What is hacking ? And Where To Begin With Hacking ?
What is hacking ?
Hacking is unauthorized use of computer and network resources. The people engage in computer hacking activities are often called hackers. In simple word hacking is an art of exploiting.
Types of hackers.
There are 3 types of hackers white hat , gray hat and black hat. The brief introduction of white hat black hat and gray hat are as follow.
White hat Hackers
White hat hackers are Ethical hacker means they are good guys. They are friendly and trustable I am not telling to trust them but they are more trustable then black hat and gray hat hackers. White hat hackers have more knowledge about fighting against malwares and viruses. White hat hackers avoids illegal activates like defacing web applications. You may know that some people getting paid for reporting the vulnerability , they are white hat hackers. White hat hackers are just helping the people to secure their computer system.
Black hat hackers
Black hat hackers are the bad guys who hacks the system for their own profit. They are also known as the crackers. They makes the Trojan and viruses to get the information of the others. Black hat hackers are not trustable. They are just hacking in to the web application and defaces the web application. Mostly Black hatters cant get a decent job due to their illegal activities. They can be caught by the cyber security consultant and they might get jail for hacking the web application.
Gray hat hackers
Gray hat hackers are neither good nor bad guys. sometime they perform good task and sometime illegal task. They can also suspect jail time if they are just performing more illegal activities. They are just preforming activities like social accounts hacking and similar activities.
Where To Begin With Hacking ?
You must have advanced knowledge of the operating systems like windows , Linux etc. You must know some programming languages like Perl , PHP , SQL , Python , C and C++. Then start learning about Phishing , keylogging , spoofing , and web application hacking. I will post these articles on VOBH (Voice if Blackhat) so stay connected with us.