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Hide your file in image


In this tutorial I am going to show you how to hide your important data in to other files so your important data can be secure. Well in this tutorial I am going to hide my password in image file.
Follow the simple steps
1. Make a new folder
2. Paste image file and your important file
3. Now make a 2 copy of image and 1 your important data
4. Add 1 image and your data into winrar archive (as shown in bellow figure)
hide image inyour file

5. Now open CMD and go to your folder location in it.
6. Now execute the following command in the command prompt.

copy /b secure.jpg + securefile.rar safe.jpg

7. One new file named safe.jpg will be created. (see the snapshot bellow )
hide your file in image 28. Now your file is safe Smile
whenever anybody clicks on that file then it will just show the image it will not open the hidden data.
9. Now how can we get our data back ?
10. Open safe.jpg (which is safe file) with winrar and you will get your important data back.
if you have any query then feel free to make a comment.
Hide your file in image Reviewed by 67 on 21:54 Rating: 5
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